Contact Us

This page is solely for the use of clients who have registered to use the Indicator Valuation Service.

Please click here if you wish to register as a user of the Indicator Valuation Service.

Registered users may use the email form below to submit a query or comment regarding the Indicator Valuation Service.

Indicator Valuation Service support hours are 8.30am-5.30pm (UK time) Monday-Friday.

You can choose whether you would prefer us to respond with an email or a phone call; we advise that you keep your sensitive account information to a minimum and do not send your password.

If you have any questions regarding your Online account, please email us on [email protected]. Otherwise, please use the Contact details below:

Ninety One Global Strategy Funds & Guernsey Schemes
+44 (0) 203 938 1800
[email protected]
Ninety One UK OEIC & ISAs

+44 (0) 203 938 1900
[email protected]
Ninety One Investment Platform Support
0860 500 100
[email protected]

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